Let me start by wishing all Nigerians Happy Democracy Day, especially as we celebrate the 18th year of unbroken Democracy in Nigeria.
The topic is very wide but will be limited for expected audience as participants. We will make contributions as co democratics in as much as the success and progress of democracy depend on us, for sustainability and stability.
Giving dictionary meaning of some of the words in the theme, using the Oxford English Dictionary will assist to draw us to the main theme:
RECESSION. - a temporary decline in economic activity
SPIRIT. - the prevailing mood at an event
DEMOCRACY. - government by all the people, usually through elected representative. (Government by "majority of the people).
The "and" is a conjunction, linking "recession" and "the spirit of Democracy"; while "the" is an article to lay emphasis on the importance of "spirit" of the "democracy in the State of Osun".
The motive behind creation of a state or local government is to bring people closer to governance through development of the society, economic emancipation of the society and the people, physically, socially, religiously, morally, politically, health wise, educationally, agriculturally, creativity and the liked.
That is why on the social media, "Amen" and "likes" do flow over a simple statement or call to merely "believe" a miracle of flow of dollars within 24hours, or one week or a sudden flow.
Religious circle is a source or inspiration to build the hope of the people on a superior authority that can relief, assist and provide solution to all our needs, relief us of our pains, comfort us beyond measure in times of recession.
Thank God fou our clerics, and spirit of belief in us that sustained our faith in God.
The societal moral standard, cultural value of the people, attitude of parentsh the elders, the leaders, the led, do have great influence and do dictate the moral and mood of the young ones.
Such later do reflect in reactions, tolerance, love, hatred, patience, aggressiveness do spread within a society or community like fire.
Osun, a part of Yoruba, enjoy the core values of our forefathers. The spirit of understanding, hopefulness, tolerance do reflect in the old and young ones relatively, regardless of all challenges.
God Almighty created the world, He designed the waterways, the forest, the mountains, the valleys, the hills, the animals, the birds, the heavens, the soil, the water, the sun, the moon, the stars and all the components of the earth written six days.
God on the sixth day created man in His Own image and likeness, to have dominion over all He earlier created and rested on the seventh day.
God gave man/woman authority over all other creation, that were in existence before us, hence, we are empowered to act "god" over them.
Hence, my brothers and sisters, out of the knowledge endowed us with, we turn ordinary wool to clothing materials; from iron, steel, metals, leather, power, fuel, we produce and make functional cars, fans, aircrafts, radio, train, televisinn, household utensils, working aids; from wood we make paper, furniture, roof our home, construct house, office equipment, imagine art work for beautification; we created ways on the water and bridges on water, built houses, transport heavy equipment, use water as recreation center; we drink, bathe, water our plants, harvest fish and other sea food for consumption and trade from water as seas, rivers, oceans, well.
All of these were prouisioms from God to create enabling environment to empower ourselves economically and socially to develop ourselves above recession. Osun is alive to impprove on previous achievements as we reawake the technical colleges and colleges of technologz to function appropriately.
The physical development of every state distinct her from all other states. It does attract attentions positively or otherwise, depending on how we allow the beauty of the state as citizens.
Our sanitation culture, orderliness, maintenance of edifices, physical planning of the community, water drainages and good roads.
Also, every state do have areas that stand her out hence unique in construction, the road facilities, government structures, recreation centres, school buildings, tree planting, cultural display, religious trademark, display of common heritage, colours, language, dressing and the likes.
- Benue - black and white - zebra like colours.
- Igbo - known for redish, yellowish and blue colours.
- Osogbo - aro- darkish blue.
- Ekiti & Ijesa - dark red or wine colour of ofi.
- Calabar - multi colours - very colourful.
- Hausa - white, blue, cream-plain colours.
It is the duty of the government of the day to maintain and establish educational standard, that stands the test of time.
States do coordinate the public and private schools to protect the interest of the state-child as a priority, in accordance with the national policy on education. Education in all areas of life is highly essential as a means to inform, enlighten, involve, project, promote, create, establish and sustain progress.
Hence, the improvement on our educational facility in Osun deserves being appreciated as a conducive environment for leaving. Provision of learning aids, "opon imo" is commendable, yet it is important that we sustain the trend as citizens by playing our roles teachers, students, parents and even neighbours to maintain them UNICEF officially appreciated Osun on the tablet issued for the use of secondary schools.
Giving the dictionary meaning of politics;
Politics - is the science and art of government;
- political affairs or life:
- political principles.
By the above definition, we can as well say:
Politics is "governance" - leadership trace, formulation and implementation of policies.
Politics is "affairs" - totality of event(s), rightful concern of a person toward well being.
Politics is "life" - totality existence.
Politics is "principles" - lay down, order, rules, regulations and laws to build and maintain an egalitation society.
Such must be based on uprightness, the truth, full of good moral standard.
All these and more are essential to address recession especially as democratices,being part of the society. Regardless of any political change, Osun stand out as a determing factors on Nigeria political class and trend.
We are to identify how recession sets in and how the good people of Osun, in the spirit of Democracy survive the recession. The state of Osun remain stable to the glory of God.
- Identify the cash crops that can be planted in Osun.
- We should care to find out the present conditions of farm settlements.
- Farm equipments were to assist and encourage large scale farmers as youth and fairly aged, we can exploit the available opportunity.
- The local and state agric officers are to operate in the farm;
- The national agricultural policies at implementation level such as FADAMA phases i, II and III should be our concern.
- AISU project located in every local government were meant to educate the local farmers.
- Let us move to our farm settlements.
- Need to educate medical handlers to respect professionalism is highly essential.
- Prevention, immunization and prompt treatments are good attributes of our health providers, to keep the community healthy.
- Good food, healthy environment peaceful and lovely environment are essential to control, check and prevent recession and its effects on the populace.
- Power generation and importance of power to every sector in the community is essential;
- What do we do to ensure free flow of water in our public and privately owned taps.
- The engineers and contractors can have attitudinal change on construction works for patronage;
- The Federal and State Ministries of Housing and urban development policies are essential to check recession;
- The establishment of Federal Mortgage Bank Cooperation Bank, The Peoples Bank, Community Bank and likes are meant to give Financial Support to the citizen.
- Re-introduction of agriculture art and crafts to the primary and secondary school is important;
- the for development is essential for the girls in the senior primaries as of old will create interest in small scale enterprises.
A- Home economics, Science Laboratories and Technical Education can be standardized too;
- also, most importantly, for public and private schools, boarding houses will check a lot of missuse of the boy/girl child, hence give roop for concentration to the all round development needed at their tender age.
- Handwork makes schools colourful, pupils are not only active but lifely and productive instincts are built.
- Art club, photgraphy club, science club do build intimacy and joint efforts.
- Culture, drama, literature, music, brightening knowledge and relationship.
In conclusion, the temporary decline in economy across the globe, Nigeria as a country, Osun as a part of Nigeria, naturally will have its negative effects. Yet, in Osun, the spirit of togetherness that reflects in democratic government of the day, under the ruling party, All Progressive Congress (APC) enjoy the grace of tolerance, not too open aggressiveness, conflict resolution, cooperative attitude, the spirit of "give" and "take", contributory spirit to all sphere of development directly and indirectly stabilize the spirit of democracy.
The civil servants are made to take an arranged percentage of their salaries on monthly basis for several months;
the market women and men relatively exhibit tolerance of the situation and play their quiet roles on individuals;
the interest in farming increased, farmer improves on their efforts to meet the needs of the society;
educationally, Osun at the 2016 WAEC result was said to have been placed on the 8th position, though we have some challenges with Ladoke Akintola University of Technology (LAUTEC) jointly owned by Oyo and Osun;
Several states look up to political statues in Osun to deside on which party to vote for. Most Executive members, the National Legislatures and the judiciaries at their various constituencies do have impact in the state.
Their presence do bring communities closer to federal might, supportive of state projects and needs, projecting the image of the state, though all these and more are expected roles. Those who performed at the national and states levels expected of them need commendations, and those who are performing below expectation should please, be reminded to play their roles as democratic, we still have time to ammend.
I sincerely commend the good people of Nigeria and Osun in particular, for the stability nature that sustain us during the on going economical challenge, tagged "Recession".
The masses and the civil servants in Osun played their vital roles positively like I said earlier.
The fact that Nigeria and Osun keep their heads during recession, maintain their dignity, management of the little resources reflect the fact that we are truely democratic in nature.
All things being equal, I would like to appeal to us all as good citizens, that we are, that Almighty God endowed us as a Nation and State with a lot of potentials that can sustain us, up and above many other nations.
It will be good if propepties, amenities, facilities are handled with respect, dignity, well maintained and protected to serve us and the generation yet unborn.
These will give resources to expand and develnp other areas of life, not only for sustainability, but will invariably lead to debt free and enough resources for keep towards raining days. Hence, a ballance society, free of recession, dutiful and courageous society, proud people, healthy people, real democratic and an egalitarian society will be attained and maintained for others to emulate.
I am proud and happy for the honour to be part of the EQUITY VANGUARD 2017 Annual Public Lecture to commemorate the 18th Democracy day celebration in Nigeria.
God bless Equity Vanguard.
God bless the people of Osun.
God bless ruling party APC.
God bless Osun and God bless Nigeria.
I thank you for your attention and God bless.
Chief Mrs. Oluremi Wilson
Lasore Oladimeji Blog can be contacted on +2347035105413 to cover events such as marriages, birthday, launching, Discussions and Public lectures. You can as well contact us via our email for more details.
Thank you ....
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