Tuesday, 6 November 2018


The job creation and empowerment initiative of the Social Investment Programme of the Nigerian Federal Government under the administration of president Muhammad Buhari has started to bear good results. In a press release signed by the Ilesa East Local Government beneficiaries, Mr.Ojo Ayodimeji Daniel after they have moved round part of the ancient city, the beneficiaries "deeply appreciate the President, His Excellency, Muhammadu Buhari, for delivering on his campaign promise of employing 200,000 youth since December 2016, to which we belong. Just few months ago, another batch of 300,000 volunteers were taken on. Your Excellency, we say a big ‘Thank you’.

"Over the course of the past two years, we have positively impacted on our locality on three major fronts: Agriculture (N-Agro), Education (N-Teach) and Health (N-Health).

• As a result of the impact of the N-Agro Volunteers, farmers have acquired more knowledge in handling crops, and this has led to better pest control and consequent improved crop yield.

• The presence of the N-Teach volunteers boosted the effort of permanent teachers in teaching students in secondary schools across the State efficiently and effectively. The positive impact of this in the State could be felt in the SSCE results of years 2017 and 2018, as Osun State performed creditably well more than it did in the past.

• Not only do patients in Government hospitals across the State had access to better healthcare, they also had quicker delivery of such service(s) as more hands were available through the N-Health volunteers, to attend to their health concerns.

• So these development and chain of tremendous change could be sustained, we humbly implore Mr. President to please retain us, as we are ready to serve in this capacity and even more.

• From whom much is given, much is definitely expected. Therefore, we promise our full and unalloyed support to the re-election bid of President Muhammadu Buhari come 2019, to continue as our President."

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